City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1766 - 29th December 1766

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652060204

Image 204 of 6861st April 1766

Informations, Taken 1st. April 1766.

William More< no role > a Prisoner [..] Tothill Fields Bridewell on his Oath saith that he
was sent to said Prison about three weeks ago Says that he found the
Deced John Arthur< no role > a Prisoner there at that time that the Deced
appeared then to be in Heath and continued so until Saturday last
Says that he then appeared to be in pain (Deced not being able to speak
plain) and his Legs on Examination were found Black, and Deft.
thinks that they were Mortified, Says that the Deced Eat his Allowance
of Bread and had Money every day, Says that he was worse on
Sunday and not able to eat all his Allowance, that the Deced, continued ill
yesterday and eat nothing, and died last Night about Twelve o' Clock.
Says that about afortnight ago the Deced had a purging and fouled himself,
that this Dept. and three or four more were clearing the Deced at the
Pump in the open yard in said Prison, says that Mr. Stephens Keeper
of Bridewell came up, and with what is commonly called the Cat with
Nine tails gave the Deced several Blows on his Naked Back and Bally,
and afterwards gave James Cole< no role > another Prisoner the Cat & nine tails
and ordered him to Whip the Deced along the Yard into the Word and
then lock him up, but that James Cole< no role > did not Whip the Deced, Says
that he saw Mr. Stephens the Keeper with both his Hands give the
Deced several Strokes with a Bull's Pizztle about three weeks ago
and Dept. says that on Sunday Night last he saw the Keeper again
Strike the Deced several times with a large bunch of Keys on his
Back on which the Deced cried out, Says that he said to Mr Stephens
last Saturday that the Deced was very ill, and that it was pity he
was not in some Hospital, to which the Keeper answered that he
had been two or three times to Sir John Fielding< no role > and that he would not
let the Deced out, Says that he said to Mr. Stephens on Monday Evening
last that the Deced was so bad that he could not live, to which Mr. Stephen
answered that he wished he was Dead.

Derby Matthews< no role > a Prisoner in Bridewell on his Oath saith that
he has been Prisoner there about twelve weeks, that about six weeks
ago the Deced was brought to said Prison in good Health Says that the
Deced was not able to speak plain and Dept. and the other Prisoners
thought that the Deced was foolish, He making a great Noise in the
Prison upon which the Keeper ordered him to be close Confined
in the Dark Ward, Says that the Deced continued to make a Noise there
which made the Keeper Mr. Stephens cause him to be Chained to the
Floor by the Leg, that the Deced continued there some time before
he was let out, Says that about three weeks ago he saw Mr.

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