City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

4th January 1772 - 30th December 1772

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652120085

Image 85 of 93213th February 1772

City & Liberty of
Westmr . in the County
of Middlesex }

Informations taken this Thirteenth
day of February 1772 at the Parish of St.
James within the Liberty of Westmr . in the
County of Middlesex upon an Inquisition
touching the Death of John Slater< no role > lying
dead in the said Parish Liberty & County.

James Draper< no role > of Swallow Street in the Parish of
St. James Westmr . Stable Keeper on his Oath saith, that's
John Slater< no role > the Deced was Servant to Dept. and drove
Dr. Warren as Coachman & his lady (the same being a waiting Jobb
of this Dept.) for about Eight or Nine Months last past
Says that Yesterday Morning between Seven and
Eight o'Clock Dept. went up into a Hayloft in his Yard
where Deced used to keep his Hay, and from thence
went and looked into on Inner Loft where the
Straw is kept, and in that Left he saw a Man
Hanging, by a Hatter which was tied about his
Neck, and put around one of the Beams of the Left
Says that he then took it to be one Samuel, another
Coachman, and did not then go to the Deced, but
ran into the adjoining Publick House and Acquainted
Mr. Powell therewith who went to the Deced and
immediatley after this Dept. and several other people
went to Deced when one Mr. Newman ent the
Cord by which Deced was Hanging, and Deced
was laid upon the Floor, and appeared to be dead,
Says that a Surgeon was fetched who attempted to bleed
the Deced, and afterwards told the Deced that he [..]
got no Blood, and that be belived nothing could
be done for him. Says that he was informed on
Tuesday Evening last by one of the Coachmen that the
Deced had last his Great Coat, Says that the Deced was

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