City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

4th January 1772 - 30th December 1772

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652120086

Image 86 of 93213th February 1772

a good Servant, and gave Content, and that
he didnotsee the Deced Intoxicated with Liquor
that he recollects.

James Draper< no role >

Thomas Hancock< no role > a Coachman Servant to Mr. Draper
on his Oath saith, That he drives Mr. Gunning the
Surgeon, And Lodges at Mr. Powell at the Sign of
the Crown, where the Deced likewise lodged, Says that
he got up yesterday Morning about a Quarter before
Seven o'Clock and met the Deced under the Gateway
That they went together into the stable where their
Horses stood, that the Deced went up into the Hayloft
and in about five Minutes Dept. followed him, and
found the Deced was giving his Horses some Hay, and
then Dept. fed his Horses, Says that he saw a Halter
lye upon a Truss of Hay in the Left, and on this Dept.
sticking his Fork into the Hay the Deced took up the
Halter, and came down with Dept. into the Yard, and
went together into the Stable, but Deced turned out
immediately, and Dept. thought that he was gone into
the Publick House for something to drink as usual, Says
that in about twenty Minutes he heard Mr. Draper
in the YardYardSaying that some body was Hanging
and on his running out of the Stable he saw Mr. Draper
Mr. Powell and Mr. Davies Mr. Newman going upstairs
into the Hayloft, says that he followed them and in
the Inner Loft saw the Deced lying down on the Floor
with a piece of Cord about four week which he was informed had been
cut by Mr. Newman, the other piece of the sam Cord being
then around one of the Joists, and he was informed that
the Deced was found hanging therewith, and Says that he believes
it to be the same Cord which the Deced took off the Truss of Stay
before in the Hayloft Says that the Deced on Tuesday
Evening last between Six and Seven o'Clock came into
Mr. Powell's House Enquiring for his Great Coat and appeared
to be very uneasy at having lost it

Thos. Hancock< no role >

Edward Goodchild< no role > of Swallow Street Tallow Chandler on
his Oath saith That he has known the Deced ever since he
drove for Mr. Draper, that the Deced used to buy Candles
of this Dept. and pay honestly from them, Says that h [..]
frequently been at the Sign of the Crown in an [..]
where Deced was drinking, who seemed to be very [..]
but Dept. cannot say whether it was owing to Liquor or
any Disorder which he might have Says, that he was at
the Crown and Tuesday Evening last for about two Hours
that he saw the Deced there Sleeping in one of the Boxes Says that a little
before Eleven o'Clock the Deced got up and appearing
to be confused went out of the Room, and Dept then
thought the he was either in Liquor or had some Disorder

Edwd. Goodchild< no role >

Sarah Slaughter< no role > Widow of the Deced on her Oath
saith, that she has been Wife to the Deced about Eight
and twenty Years, That the Deced had a Lodging at
the Crown, but frequently called upon Dept. Says that
she has not been the Deced since last Sunday fortnight
and parted in a very friendly manner Says that about
thirteen Years ago the Deced Accidentally received
a Keep from a Horse which broke his Jaw Bone and
Knocked out severaltwoof his Teeth, Says that the Deced has
since been at times, especially when he has been
oppressed with Trouble of Vexation, Disordered in his

The Mark [mark] of
Sarah Slaughter< no role >

Severally Sworn the Day Year
& Place abovementioned before me
Tho Prickard< no role > Coroner .

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