City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

7th January 1773 - 28th December 1773

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652130669

Image 669 of 75020th November 1773

Arthur Hewetson< no role > of Bear Street Leicester Fields
one of the Constables of the Parish of St. Anns Westmr . on
his Oath saith That yesterday about two o'Clock Dept. was
desired to go to Mrs. Ireland in little Suffolk Street , which
she did immediately, and Mrs. Ireland told Dept. that
she had lost several things which Martha Macarty< no role > the
Deced had robbed her of, and they both went to
the Door of the Deced's room in Mr. Facants House
in little Suffolk Street , which was fastened, Says that
Mrs. Facant after sometime ordered Dept. to breat open
the Deced's Room Door suspecting that the Deced was
gone away and taken away her Sheets, Says that
he did force open the Door with a Poker and Shoemaker
Hammer, and on his Entering the Room he saw the
Deced by the Window Hanging by a piece of Linnen
Tape which was fastened to an Iron Hook in the
Window Frame and tied about the Deced's Neck
Says that he cut the Tape with a Knife by which
the Deced was Hanging, but Deced was then dead
Says that a Surgeon was fetched who attempted to
bleed the Deced who bled a very few drops only, Says-
that the Door was Locked and fastened with an
Iron Haspon the inside, from which Dept. believes
that the Deced must have Hanged himself

Arthur Hewetson< no role >

Mary Farquet< no role > of little Suffolk Street on her Oath
saith That Martha Macarty< no role > has lodged in her House
in a Room two pair of Stairs about two months, Says
that she sentLodgingNotice to the Deced on Thursday
last to Saint her Lodging in a week or pay double Rent,
but Dept. has not seen her for two or three days, Says
that yesterday she heard a Noise upon the Stairs
and saw Mrs. Ireland and a Constable, knocking at the
Deced's Door and calling to the Deced, Says that the

was not then forced open, but that some time after
She agreed that the Constable should force open the Door
and the Constable went upstairs, and soon came down
again saying that he found the Deced Hanging and
had cut theCordSake with a Knife which he then had in his
Hand. And Dept. says that she was at he now Yesterday
heard no Noise in her House until Mrs. Ireland and the
Constable came and believes that the Deced Hanged herself
Says that the Deced was a sober well behaved Woman

The Mark of
Mary Farquet< no role >

Jane Harper< no role > Servant to Mr. Ireland on her Oath
saith That she was yesterday at Mrs. Farquets when
the Constable with a Poker & a Hammer forced open
the Deced's Room Door which was Locked and fastened
with an Iron Hasp on the inside, Says that on her
going into the Room she saw the Deced Hanging by the
Window. and appeared to Dept. to be Dead, Says that
she saw the Kay of the Room Door upon a Box behind
the Door in the Room when she first went in

The Mark [mark] of
Jane Harper< no role >

Hannah Taylor< no role > Wife of John Taylor< no role > , a Lodger at Mrs.
Farquets in little Suffolk Street on her Oath saith, That
on Thursday Night last about nine o'Clock she followed
the Deced up Stairs when the Deced was crying, Says
that yesterday between Ten and Eleven o'Clock she
heard the Deced walk in her Room without her Shoes
That she looked thro' the Key hole but could not see her
That about two o'Clock she saw the Constable force
open the Deced's Door and on her going into the Room
with the Constable she saw the Deced Hanging near the

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