City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

11th January 1776 - 30th December 1776

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652160075

Image 75 of 55827th February 1776

John Harrop< no role > of Little George Street Grosvenor Square
Coach wheeler on his Oath saith, That on Saturday (being Seven Week
last Saturday) Deponent was at the Sign of the
White Swan in Oxford Street , That above five oClock
Deced came in there and called for Six penny Worth
of Brandy and Water, of which Dept. Partook, and
they both drank two more Six penny worths, and
Deced left Dept. about nine o'Clock and went
out of the Parlourinto the Taproom,Says that
the Deced paid for the Brandy and Water but
Dept. did not see any more of Deced's Money, [..]
Says that Deced told Dept. that he would go to his
Sister it the Oval in Upper Grosvenor Street
and that he this Dept. did not think the Deced
to be much in Liquor when he went from him

John Harrp< no role >

Robert Hammond< no role > Victualler at the Sign of the
White Swan in Oxford on his Oath Faiths, That
on Saturday Evening about Seven o'Clock (about
Seven Weeks ago, Dept. came home and in his
Parlour saw the Deced and John Harrop< no role > drinking
some Liquor out of a Bason, and playing at
Cribbage, Says that being much Tired he fell
asleep, and when he awaked between Eight
and Nine o'Clock the Deced was gone away
as Dept. believes, That he did see the Deced
afterwards. And Deced appeared to be in higher
Spirits then, than he had ever before observed.

Robert Hammond< no role >

Joseph Ferdinand Gillis of Lower Grosvenor Street
Surgeon on his Oath Saith That he this day Examined
the Body of Henry Charter< no role > the Deced , and found it in
a very Putrid State but could not distinguish any
Marks of Violence externally, that he removed the
Scalp and Examined the Scull and found it in a
natural State

J F Gillis

Elizabeth Westmore< no role > Servant to Robert Hammond< no role >
Victualler at the White Swan Oxford Street on
her Oath Saith That on Saturday Afternoon about
five o'Clock (about seven Weeks ago) Henry
< no role > came into her Master's House & looked as
if he had been Drinking, Says that Deced and
Mr. Harrop drank thrace or four Six penny worth
of Brandy and Water, and Played at Cards in
the Parlour Says that a little before Nine o'Clock
the Deced came into the Taproom and called for
a Pint of half in half which he drank being
then very much in Liquor, Says that the
Deced asked one Bright to go home with him
and offered him six pence, but Brigs wanted
a Shilling, and did not go, that a Soldier
likewise reputed to go, and Deced went away
alone; Says that Peter Jones< no role > a Tripeman was
then in the Taproom and went away about
five or ten Minutes afterthe same time [..] the Deced, That he Deced
had no Quarrel with any Person at Mr. Hammond
Says that she saw none of the Deced's money but
the Two Pence which he paid ofr the Bear and
a Sixpence which he dropped on the Ground

Severally Sworn the Day
Year & Place abovementioned
before me
Tho. Prickard< no role > Coroner }

Elizabeth Westmore< no role >
her Mark

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