City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1788 - 29th December 1788

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652280018

Image 18 of 8058th January 1788

William Morris< no role > of Great Marlborough
Street Surgeon on his Oath Saith That
he this day carefully Examined the Body
of the Deced in St. James's Parish Inf [..]
and found no external marks of violence that
could came death, there being a slight
Bruise over the left Eye only which
was but rifling and could not cause death
Says that it is very possible that if the
Deced drank a Pink of Gin in a Short
time it might cause death

Willm. Morris< no role >

George Apple< no role > gate Grocer to Lady Elizabeth
< no role > on his Oath Saith That he was in
Badmay's Mary looking after his Lady's
Horses That William the Deced came to
him on Thursday Night the thirteenth of
Decr. last desiring he would give him leave
to sleep in the Stable which Dept did
and the next Morning gave Deced some
Bread and Cheese he having no Money
Says that on Friday Evening the Fourteenth
Instant, Joseph Fisher< no role > William Balden< no role >
Henry Bailey< no role > this Dept and the Deced
were Drinking at a Publick House in
the Mews kept by Patrick Boyle< no role > That
Deced asked Fisher several times to give
him something to drink, and at last Fisher
said he would give him half a Pint of
Gin if he would drink it, which had
and afterwards another half Pint That
another half Pint was brought for this Day
& the three other man of which they all drink
there being about two glasses left in the
Measure upon the Tables which Deced
took half of and drank without being by
Says that they had another half Pint of
which they all drank, and Deced drank

about one Glass of it which they did not
intend Says that a Man came in and
said I wish any Man would give me a
Pint of Gin, he should see if I would
not drink it upon that Deced said I will
drink a Quarter of Gin, with any Man in
the Room tho I have drank so much
but no Person would give any more
Says that the Deced & Fisher afterwards
Deced together in the Taproom, and that
Fisher fall backwards over a Cool Box
and the Deced fell upon him and hurt
the Coroner of his left Eye against the Coroner
of the Table which bled a little Says that
[..] after the Deced had drank the two half
Pints of Gin Mrs. Boyle refused to Serve
him with any more Says that about a
Quarter after Eight o'Clock in the Evening
Deced walked to the Table and Dept.
went with him, Deced laid down in
a Stall on his Side and Dept. took of Deceds Handkerchief
who appeared to be well but in Liquor
says that between Nine & Ten when he
went through the Stable in order to go
to Bed he looked at the Deced who
appeared to be asleep and very easy
Says that about Six o'Clock the next Morning
William Baldwin< no role > called to Dept. who there be
the Key out at the Window and Baldon
came into the Stable and came up Stairs
to Dept saying that William (the Deced) was
very bad a did desired Dept. to get up
and send for a Doctor which he did
Deced was very bad, lying on his Bark
Ratleing in the Throat and Speechless
Says that Mr. Naylor the Apothecary came

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