City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1792 - 31st December 1792

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652320065

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was in Liquorbefore Deponent left the House the
Deceased said he should goupto BedDeponent had
slept with the Decease for about three Weeksabout a
quarter before Twelve at Night of the same Day he went
up to his Bed Room, opened the Door which was on the
Latch as usual, and when he on tred the Room, struck
a light and by the light of the Match discovered the Deced
hanging by the Neck by a Handkerchief from a Cloak Pin in the
Wainscot, being in a great Fright he ran down to Mr.
Radnors' and acquainted him that Walters (the Deceased)
was HangingMr. Radnor and Deponent went directly to
the Deceased, Room with a Candle, William Finn< no role > came
immediately after them, and the Deceased was taken down
andby drawing the Screw out of the Wainscot and the Deced
was laid upon the Bedthe Deceased appeared to be DeadDepont.
went about a Whole Hour in Search of Doctors but none came
Deponent beleives that the Deceased Hanged himselfDeced
was much troubled with a shortness of Breath, and was
frequently up in Bed

The [mark] Mark of
Charles Burdon< no role >

Thomas Radnor< no role > Keeper of the Rising Sun Public House ,
in Castle Street in the Parish of St. Martin in the Fields
on his Oath saith That the Deceased came to his House on
Saturday Morning last between Seven and eight with his
Stockings down, his Waistcoat quite open, and his Callar
open, which was unusual as he used to be dressed tight
he called for a Glass of Gin, and continued in his House
till between Twelve and one at Noon, believes he drank three
or four Glasses of Ginand two penny worths of Cold Two Penny
Deponent says the Deced was in his House the Day before
about one or Two o'Clock and suddenly went out and in about
five Minutes returned and brought a Bundle and his Watch
in his Hand, and gave them to the Deponent saying these was
[..] to satisfy him and told him to keep themon Sunday
Morning Deponent opened the Bundle in which was a Coat
and three ShirtsDeceased did not owe the Deponent my
thing at his timeDeponent did not think the Deceased was
then disguised in Liquorcalled him Fool and wanted him
to take the things back again, but he said No, No, they are
for You, Deponent beleives the Deceased Hanged himself, and
beleives he was at times Disordered in his Mind.

Severally Sworn the Day Year &
Place abovementioned before me
Tho Prickard< no role > Coroner }

Thos Radnor< no role >

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