City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1792 - 31st December 1792

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652320064

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Handkerchief round his Stock and one and of the
Handkerchief fastened to a Screw in the Wainscot
Deponent caught hold if the Deceased round the middle
and desired them to cut it. Charles Pordon< no role > stept on
the Bed and pulled the Screw out and the Deceased
was laid down on the BedSome warmth was in the
Body bort the extremities were quite coldDeponent
thought him DeadDeponent sent for Doctors but did
not see that any cameDeponent saw the Deceased
the Morning of that Day about Nine o'Clock at Mr.
Radnor's, appeared to be in Liquorabout Eleven o'Clock
he asked the Deceased what he should like to have for
Dinner, he answered any thing he did not care what
Deponent went and bought some Fishabout half of he
Twelve o'Clock the Visiting Member of the Club the Deced
belonged to came, and they went out together; but before
the Deceased went out Deponent told him that Dinner
was just readythe Deceased made Answer he should
have noneDeponent never saw him afterwards alive
the Deceased had drank Beer and Twopenny till the

time he went out with the Visiting Member of the Club
Deponent has known the Deceased Twelve or Thirteen
Years, fallowed the employment of a Porter, but has not
been able for several Years past to work much, or carry
Loadswhen the Deceased was perfectly Sober he appeared
to he low Spirited and would not speak for many Hours
togetherwithin a Week or Fortnight past Deponent has
frequently hear with the Deceased, and after being [..] tent
for some time, he has began to speak reflecting upon
himself for his past folliesDeponent says the Deceased
was very often in Liquor, and then both in his Speech and
Action he was like a Man deranged in his Senses, and
when Sober was low spirited and Melon-chally, and he
believes that the Deceased Hanged himself.

William Finn< no role >

Charles Burdon< no role > a Smith and lodger was with the Deced at Mr. Rodnors on his Oath saith
Mrs. Belchors in Charles Street St Martin in the Fields , on his Oath saith that he saw the Deceased in Mr. Radnors Tap Room on
Saturday last about Eleven oClock in the Forenoon the Deceased asked him if he would have
some Gin, he said he did not care if he hadDepDeced
called for half a Pint, there were four in Company and
Drank aslass ape [..] , the Deceased in Deponents opinion

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