St Martin's Settlement Exams:
St Martin in the Fields Pauper Examinations, 1725-1793

20th January 1786

Unique Project ID19
Examination TextJames Shepherd aged 60 years Lodging at Mr Woodcocks in Drury Lane in the Parish of St Martin in the Fields on his Oath saith that he is a taylor by trade that he lived in and rented an Apartment Vizt. a Shop and Parlour unfurnished in the House of Mr. Cole?s in Pheanix Alley in the Parish aforesaid for the space of three years at the yearly Rent of Ten Pounds quitted the same about thirteen years ago. that he hath not Kept House rented a tenement of ten Pounds by the year paid any Parish taxes nor hath been a yearly hired Servant in any one Place for twelve Months together since. that he was Married to his Present Wife Elizabeth in the Parish Church of St. Martin in the Fields the Twelfth Day of May in the year One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Nine. // Sworn the 20th. Day of Janry 1786 Before John Collick // [signed James Shepherd] // D. L. Wd. // Apr
Manuscript ReferenceF5071
Surname Shepher< no role >
Male OR Femalemale
Date of Examination20/01/1786
Examination Outcomesent to St Martin in the Fields workhouse
Page Number107
Signed OR Marked Signed

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