St Martin's Settlement Exams:
St Martin in the Fields Pauper Examinations, 1725-1793

23rd January 1786

Unique Project ID18
Examination TextThe Examination of Denney Brown in the Workhouse of and in the Parish of St. Martin in the Fields. Taken this Twenty third Day of Janry 1786. // This Examinant on her Oath saith that she is 19 years of age that she never was Married bound an Apprentice Kept House rented a tenement of ten pounds by the year paid any Parish taxes nor hath been a yearly hired Servant in any one place for twelve Months together that her Father Richard Brown who Died about eleven years ago was a Coachmaker by trade and Lived in and Rented a House on his own Estate of the yearly value of Sixty Seven pounds besides taxes that he her said Father never Kept House rented a tenement of ten Pounds by the year nor paid any Parish taxes afterwards nor hath her Mother since the Death of her said Father and that was in the Parish of Hampstead in the County of Middlesex as she this Examinant hath been Informed and verily believes to be true. And this examinant on her Oath saith that she was on the Twentieth Day of December last Delivered in a Hackney Coach at Workhouse door in Castle Street in the said Parish of St. Martin in the Fields of a Female Bastard Child ( since Christened Sophia ) And that she this Examinant cannot tell who the Father of her Female Bastard Child is nor does she Know where he is to be found. // Sworn the Day par above written Before John Collick // The Mark of Denney Brown // N Rt Remd // Ap
Manuscript ReferenceF5071
Surname Brown< no role >
Male OR Femalemale
Date of Examination23/01/1786
Examination Outcomeremoved
Page Number109
Signed OR Marked Marked

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