Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

16th April 1729

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17290416-56

Thomas Simkin proceedingsdefend , of St. John Wapping , was indicted for feloniously stealing 14 lb. of Sugar, in the Shop of Edward Messerwy proceedingsvictim , the 5th of February last. The Prosecutor depos'd, It was Lump-Sugar, and was taken out of the Shop about Ten a-Clock at Night, and the Prisoner being pursued, dropp'd the Sugar. The Prisoner pleaded, that as he was going along, the Sugar was thrown out of a Window, and like to have fallen upon him, and knock'd him o'th Head, and so he took it up. But this Plea neither being prov'd, nor appearing probable, the Jury found him guilty to the Value of 10 d .

[Transportation. See summary.]

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