St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th January 1775 - 17th January 1776

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAEP103150077

Image 77 of 1127th November 1775

Middlesex ss}

John Gould< no role > maketh oath that he Can
give no Account respecting the Settlement of his late
Father Benjamin Gould< no role > deced That his late Mother Mary Gould< no role >
deced has informed him & Which information he
believes to be true That her late Father Jurvill deced in
his life time Rented a house in Eastcheap near Rood Lane
in the parish of St Margaret Pattens in the City of London
Where in he followed the profession of a School master
& was Charged to & Paid Parish Taxes for the Same & by
Means thereof gained a legal Settlement there at Which
time his Said Mother lived With him as part of his family
& by means thereof desired a legal Settlement there from
her sd. Father That he this Deponent Cant Set for th with
Certainty Whether his sd Mother ever did any Act to gain
a Settlement for her Self other than What She Acquired by
Marriage with this Deponts sd Father whose Settlement is
unknown to him That he this Depont never was bound an
Apprentice nor ever lived as a hired Servant for a Year
nor ever did any Act to gain a Settlement for himself

Sworn this 7th day
of November 1775 before
Wm Blackmore< no role > Wm: Quarrill< no role >

The Mark of
John [mark] Gould< no role >

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