City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1790 - 30th December 1790

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650030701

Image 701 of 94911th October 1790


T. Shelton
Corr. [mark]

An Inquisition Indented taken for our Sovereign Lord the King at the
Parish of Saint John within the Borough of Southwark in the County of Surrey on the Eleventh day
of October in the thirtieth Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great
Britain France< no role > and Ireland King defender of the faith and so forth Before Thomas Shelton< no role > Gentleman
Coroner of our said Lord the King for the City of London and Borough of Southwark on view of the Body of
John Turpin< no role > now here lying dead by the Oath of Thomas Cave< no role > , William Cook< no role > Joseph Shrimpton< no role >
John Buckley< no role > , John Clark< no role > Robert Marshall< no role > John Simcoe, John Driver< no role > , Joseph Cross< no role > , Roger Lewis< no role > ,
William Collon< no role > , Benjamin Hart< no role > Robert Pickup< no role > and Joseph Grimes< no role > good and lawful men of the
Borough aforesaid in the County aforesaid who being now here duly chosen sworn and charged to Inquire
for our said Lord the King when how and in what manner the said John Turpin< no role > came to his death say
upon their Oath that one Thomas Bickner< no role > of Kent Street in the parish of Saint Mary Newington in the
County aforesaid on the Ninth day of October in the year aforesaid did accidentally fall from and out of a certain Vessel into the River Thames and that
the said John Turpin< no role > did then and there endeavourand attemptto catricate the said Thomas Bickner< no role >
[..] and out of the said River in order to save the life of the said Thomas Bickner< no role > And that the said
John Turpin< no role > being then and there endeavouring and attempting to catricate the said Thomas Bickner< no role > from and
out of the said River It so happened that he the said John Turpin< no role > accidentally casually and by
misfortune did also fall into the said River Thames and in and with the waters thereof was then and there
suffocated and drowned Of which said suffocation and Drowning he the said John Turpin< no role > did then and there die
And so the Jurors aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do say that the said John Turpin< no role > on the said ninth day
of October in the Year aforesaid at the parish of Saint John aforesaid in the County aforesaid accidentally
casually and by misfortune was suffocated and Drowned In Witness whereof as well the said Coroner as the
said Thomas Cave< no role > the Foreman of the said Jurors on behalf of himself and the rest of his fellows in their presence
have to this Inquisition set their hands and Seals the day year and place first above written.

Thos Cave [mark] Foreman

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