City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

19th January 1736 - 24th February 1738

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150480136

Image 136 of 14718th January 1737

Oct 1737


To the Right honble. Sr. John Thompson< no role > Knight
Lord Mayor of the City of London & to the
Worshipful the rest of the Justices assign'd to keep
the Peace within the said City & the Liberties
thereof in their General Quarter Sessions assembled.

The humble Petition of the Churchwardens & Overseers
of the Poor of the Parish of Long Orton in the County of


That by an Order or Pass Warrant of Removal under the
hands & Seals of two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for
the City of London & the Liberties thereof (one being of the
Quorum) Thomas Barker< no role > Rachael< no role > his Wife & their Child John
< no role > aged about four years were removed & conveyed
from the Parish of St. Mary at Hill London to the sd. Parish
of Long Orton in the County of Huntingdon .

That your Petitioners apprehending themselves aggrieved
by the said Order or Pass Warrant of Removal

Your Petrs. do therefore appeal to & humbly
pray to be heard against the said Order
or Pass Warrant of Removal And that the
Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poor of the
said Parish of Sd. Mary At Hill may attend
Your Lordship & the rest of the Justices aforesaid
assembled in the General Quarter Sessions
And may stand to & abide by such Judgment &
Determination as to the said Court shall seem meet

And Your Petrs. shall ever pray Etc.

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