City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

20th October 1783 - 17th December 1784

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150950205

Image 205 of 23123rd February 1784

To the Right Honble . Robert Peckham< no role > Esqr
and the rest of his Majesty's Justices of the
peace acting in and for the City of London and
Liberties thereof assembled at their General
Quarter Session of the Peace holden at
Guildhall in and for the said City on Monday
the 23rd day of February 1784

The humble Petition of the Church wardens
and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Saint
John Southwark in the County of Surrey


That by an Order of Removal under the Hands
and Seals of Brass Crossby< no role > Esqr . and William Pickett< no role >
Esqr . two of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the
City of London and Liberties thereof bearing date the
16th. day of February 1784 whereby Thomas Noble< no role >
and Margaret< no role > his Wife and their two Children namely
Margaret< no role > aged 9 Years & Susannah< no role > aged 6 Years
were removed from the Parish of Saint Botolph
without Bishopsgate London to our said Parish of
Saint John Southwark aforesaid as the place where
they were and are last legally settled by which
Order your Petitioners think themselves aggrieved

Your Petitioners therefore most
humbly pray your Worships leave to
appeal against the said Order of

And your Petitioners shall
ever pray Etc

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