Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501540229

Image 229 of 26330th June 1716

Middlx: Ss.

To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the parish of St.
Giles without Cripplegate in the County of Middlx : and to the
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Psh: of St: Butolph. wth: out
Bishopsgate in the City of London and Liberties thereof and to every
of them and to All others whome these may Concerne

Tho: Rand< no role >

Whereas it Appeareth unto us Two of his Majties Justices of the Peace for
for the Said County of Middlx (Quorum unus) by the Compt: of the Churchwardens
and overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St: Giles without Cripplegate in the Said
County that Thomas Hunton< no role > is lately come and Intruded into the said
Parish of St: Giles without Cripplegate Endeavouring to gaine a Settlement
there Contrary to Law and is likely to become a Great Charge to the Said psh:
(if not Speedily Prevented) and Whereas upon the Examination of the
Said Thomas Hinton< no role > Taken upon Oath it Appeares unto us that the
Thomas Hinton< no role > was last legally Settled in the psh of St: Botloph without
Bishopsgate andin the City of London and Liberties thereof and that he
hath not Since Obtained any Legall Settlement esewhere. Therefore
we the Said Justices upon the Proof Aforesaid and Other Circumstances
do Adjudge and Deem the place of the Last Legall Settlement of the Said
Thomas Hinton< no role > to be in the Said Parish of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate
in the City of London and Liberties thereof and Whither he Ought by
Law to be Sent.

John Fuller< no role >

These are therfore in his Majties Name Strictly
to Change and Comand you and every of you forthwith upon Sight
Hereof to remove and convey She Said Thomas Hinton< no role > from and out of the
Said Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate in and Too the Said Parish of
St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate in the City of London and Liberties
therof and Deliver him (together wth. this precept) to the Churchwardens
and Overseers of the poor there or to Some or one of them who are hereby requir'd to receive and
Provid for him according to Law. Thereof Faile not at Yor. Perills
Given under our hands and Seales this Thirtieth day of June
in the Second Yeare of the regine of our Sovereigne Lord
George by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland
King Defendr: of the Faith And Dom 1716

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