Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501540219

Image 219 of 26315th May 1716

Middx Ss;

John Milner< no role >

Will Prestley< no role >

Whereas Complaint hash been made unto us two of His
Maties Justices of ye peace for of County of Middx (Quort
unus) by ye Churchwardens & Overseers of ye poor of ye parish
of St: Giles in ye fields in the sd County That Ann Bevis< no role >
widow is lately come into into ye said parish endeavouring
to settle there contrary to Law and it appeareth unto us
she said Justices that she is likely to become chargeable
to ye said parish And where as upon Examination of ye said
Ann Bevis< no role > taken upon Oath it farther appeareth unto
us & wee do adjudge that ye parish of St. Bridget ats
Brides London is the place of ye last legall settlemt; of
ye said Ann Bevis< no role > And do therefore in His Mates name
charge & comand ye Churchwardens & Overseers of ye:
poor of ye said parish of St. Giles in ye fields for thwth.
to remove & County the said Ann Bevis< no role > from yr sd.
parish of St: Giles in the Feilds to the said parish of
St: Bridget als Brides London and deliver her to ye
Churchwardens & Overseers of ye poor there or to some
or one of them who are herely required to receive her
into their Care & to proved for her according to Law.
Given under our Hands & seals of 15 th Day of May
Anno Dom 1716

To Churchwardens & Overseers of ye poor of the
respective parishes of st: Giles in ye feilds in the
County of midd & st. Bridget als Brides London
And to all other officers whom it may Concern

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