Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1732

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502860110

Image 110 of 17013th October 1732

undertake the Towns End Division under four pounds
more than last yeare, and that was but the same
allowance as had been made him for former yeares,
And the petrs. by their sd. peticon settforth that on the
sixth day of July last a Rate of five pence in the
pound was made upon the Inhabitants of the said
parish by the Constables Churchwardens overseers
of the poor surveyors of the high ways & other Inhitants
(pursuant to notice duely given) to defray & pay-
the Rakers, Scavengers & such like officers wages& expences
to take & carry away the dirt, ashes, fifth & soile
out of the said parish and their other Charges and [..] And the petrs. by their said
peticon complained that the sd Rate of five pence
in the pound was defective & not sufficient to-
defray & pay the said wages Charges & expences, And they
therefore prayed releif in the premisses, the
matter of which peticonwas appointed
to be heard & determined by this Court on
Wednesday the eleventh day of October instant ,
And on hearing of Councell on both sides on-
that day the hearing & determining the matter
of the said peticonwas adjourned
untill his present Friday the thirteenth day
of October instant , Now upon hearing of Mr. Serjenth
Corbett, Mr. Theed & Mr. Benne of Councell for the
petrs. and alsoe on hearing Mr. Hayward of
Councell for the Constable Churchwardens Overseers
of the poor surveyors of the high ways & Inhitants
of the said parish touching the premisses It isOrdered
by consent of the said Mr. Hayward Ordered by this
Court that the said Rate of five pence in the pound

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