Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1777

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS506700067

Image 67 of 72

Public Office, Shadwell.

Middlesex ,
To wit.}

Whereas John Whistler< no role > Yeoman
of the Town of Hertford in the
County of the said Town in this
Twenty First Day of December
One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy six duly
convicted before me, John Sherwood< no role > Elq:
One of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County
of Middlesex upon the Oath of Joseph Hallett< no role >
a credible Witness, for that
the said John Whistler< no role > on the Fourteenth
Day of December aforesaid, did use a Waggon
upon a certain publick Highway, in the Parish of
Saint Leonard , Shoreditch in the said
County of Middlesex on which said Waggon
was no painted the Owners Christian and Surname
and the place of his abode

in large legible Lettersby reason
whereof the said John Whistler< no role > hath
forfeited the Sum of Five Pounds of lawful Money
of Great-Britain.

Now I the said John Sherwood< no role > do hereby require
and order the said John Whistler< no role > to pay
the said Sum of Five Pounds, in Six Days after he
shall be served herewith. Dated at the Publick Office,
Shadwell , the Day and Year first above-written.

To Mr. John Whistler< no role >
of Hertford

Served. 24th. Feby 1776


Jno Sherwood< no role >

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