Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1786

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508070038

Image 38 of 159

To the Worshipful his Majestys Justices
of the Peace for the County of Middlesex at
their Quarter Sessions Assembled.

The Humble Petition and Appeal
of the Churchwardens and Answers of
the Poor of the Parish of Saint John
at Hackney in the said County.


That by Virtue of an Order or pass Warrant under
the hands and seals of John Woodham< no role > and Peter Greene< no role >
Esquires two of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the
County of Middlesex (whereof one is of the Quorum) bearing
date the 6th. day of January 1786. Susannah Russell< no role >
Widow was removed from the Parish of Saint Paul
Shadwell in the said County to the said Parish of Saint
John at Hackney as her Place of last legal Settlement.

That your Petitioners conceiving themselves
aggrieved by the said Warrant or Order beg leave
to Appeal to your Worships therefrom and
humbly pray you will be pleased to hear them
in the premises and order that the Church
Wardens and Overseers of the said Parish of
Shadwell may appear before you at a certain
day to be appointed to hear and abide the
Judgment of your Worships touching the said

And your petitioners as in
Duty bound will ever pray

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