St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th May 1776 - 15th March 1779

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358080135

Image 135 of 3682nd April 1777


Mary Taing< no role > Aged about 22 Years on her Oath says
she never was Married Rented house or paid Taxes
Says she lived a hired Yearly Servant with Mr- Giles
at the Grange Inn in the Parish of St- Clement Danes in
the Liberty of Westmr - for 14 Months at the Yearly
Wages of £5 and quitted her sd. Service in Janry last
since which time she hath done no other Act whereby
to gain a Subseqt- Settlement And further on her
Voluntary Oath says she is pregnant with Child or
Children which is or are likely to be born a Bastard or
Bastards and to become chargeable to the said Parish of
St- Clement Danes (she being poor and unable to
maintain the same when born) And that one Peter
< no role > a Servant to a Gent- who lodges at one Mr- Cornell
a Laceman in Lombard Street is the Father thereof
he having had carnal Knowl of her Body upwards
of Ten Months ago in her said Masters house & at
sevl- times afterwds- at one of which times he got her
with Child of the Child or Children of which she is
now pregnant as afsd- & that he the sd. Peter Pugh< no role >
and no other person did beget the same & that he is
the real & true Father thereof

Sworn this 2nd- Day of
April 1777 before me
Sampn Wright< no role >

Mary [mark] Taing< no role >

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