St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th May 1776 - 15th March 1779

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358080155

Image 155 of 3689th July 1777


Jonathan Mitchell< no role > aged about forty Years
on his Oath says he never was married rented
house or paid Taxes Says he lived a hired Yearly
Servant with one Mr. Humbleby a Dealer in
Coals in the Old Bailey in the Parish of St. Sepulcher
London for two Years or thereabouts at the
Yearly Wages of five Pounds hath quitted his
said Place upwards of Ten Years ago since
which time he hath never Rented house or
Tenement of £10 a Year nor done any other
Act whereby to gain a subseqt. Settlement

Sworn this 9th- Day
of July 1777 before me
John Croft< no role >

Jonn [mark] Mitchell< no role >

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