St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th January 1775 - 17th January 1776

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAEP103150075

Image 75 of 1129th November 1775

Middlesex ss}

Mary Clarke< no role > Singlewoman maketh oath
That divers years Ago she was hired & lived as a hired Servant
by the Year at Certain Yearly Wages with Thomas Hart< no role >
in the Parish of St Botolph Aldgate in the sd County Baker and
Continued in Such Service for the Space of a year and
upwards & by means thereof gained a legal Settlement
there That Sometime after She was hired as a Yearly
hired Servant for the Space of a year at Certain Wages
by one Mistress Bull the Wife of one Cap. "Bull who
then lived in the Hermitage Street in the Parish of st
George in the sd County That She this Depont lived with
the sd Capn Bull under Such hiring & Service in the
sd last mentioned parish for about the Space of Six
Months as she now best remembers & then removed
with her sd Master & Mistress to the parish of Greenwich
in the County of Kent Where she lived with them for
Sometime under Such hiring as aforesd & was there
discharged from Such Service and this Deponent
Farthr Saith That She Cannot at this distance of time
remember or in any way recollect or discover Whether
She lived with the said Cap "Bull under Such last mend
hiring & Service as aforesd for the Space of one Whole
Year or not And lastly this Deponent Saith that after
her leaving the Service of the Said Cap "Bull she did
not live as a hired Servant for the Space of Year nor do
any Act to gain a Subsequent Settlement

Sworn this 9th day
of November 1775 before
Geo. C. Smith< no role >

The Mark of
Mary [mark] Clarke< no role >

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