St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th January 1775 - 17th January 1776

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAEP103150095

Image 95 of 11218th December 1775

The Beadle at the in Stance of
the officers of St Alphage London
Wall altered the order to that

Middlesex ss}

Sarah Anderson< no role > the Widow of William
< no role > deced maketh oath that her said late husband has
informed her & which She believes to be true That he was born
in Norway & to her Knowledge or belief never did any Act
to gain a Settlement in Great Britain That She this Deponent
many Years ago & when a Single woman was hired & lived as
hired Servant by the Year with one David Field< no role > in Fest Street
in the parish of St Giles without Cripplegate London at the
Yearly Wages of Four pounds & Continued in Such Service for
the Space of two Years & upwards & by means thereof gained
a legal Settlement there That She did not afterwards live as
a hired Servant for a year nor do any Act to gain a Subsequent
Settlement Save What She might have Acquired by her Marriage
with her Sd husband who as before mentioned never did any
Act to gain a Settlement in the Kingdom of Great Britain

Sworn this 18th. day of
December 1775 before
Geo. C. Smith< no role > Sam. Wood< no role > .

Sarah Anderson< no role >

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