City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1799 - 31st December 1799

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650120641

Image 641 of 8588th August 1799


An Inquisition Indented taken for the Sovereign Lord the King at London (that is
to say) at the parish of Saint Bartholomew the less in the ward of Farringdon without in
London aforesaid on the eighth day of August in the thirty ninth year of the reign of our Sovereign
Lord George the third King of Great Britain and so forth before Thomas Shelton< no role > Gentleman
Coroner of our said Lord the King for the City of London and Borough of Southwark
on view of the body of James Watson< no role > now here lying dead by the oath of John
Brown George Thompson< no role > Henry Tyler Henry Miller< no role > James Aldie< no role > Richard Sims< no role > Henry Madgen< no role >
Thomas Gower< no role > William Russell< no role > George Thomas< no role > Thomas Snape< no role > Gerrard Willett< no role >
John Dolphin< no role > and Samuel Leonard good and lawful men of the Cit of London
aforesaid who being now here duly chosen sworn and charged to inquire for
our said Lord the King when how and in what manner the said James Watson< no role >
came to his death say upon their oath that a certain person whose name to the
Jurors aforesaid is unknown on the sixth day of August in the year aforesaid being driving
a certain Cart drawn by two horses into a certain yard Situate in the parish of
Saint Sepulchre in the Ward aforesaid in London aforesaid and the said James Watson< no role >
an infant being Standing near the gateway of the said yard It so happened that
the said James Watson< no role > was accidentally casually and by misfortune violently
jammed and prossed by the near wheel of the said Cart against the said Gateway
and did thereby then and there receive divers mortal bruises in and upon his
body of which said Mortal bruises he the said James Watson< no role > on the said sixth day of August in the wright and as well at the said
parish of Saint Sepulchre in the Ward aforesaid in London at also at the aforesaid
parish of Saint Bartholomew the less in the Ward aforesaid in London aforesaid did
languish and languishing did live on which said sixth day of August in the year
aforesaid the said James Watson< no role > at the parish and ward last aforesaid in London
aforesaid of the said Mortal bruises did die And so the Jurors aforesaid upon their
oath aforesaid do say that the said James Watson< no role > in manner and by the means aforesaid
accidentally casually and by misfortune came to his death and not otherwise And that
the near wheel of the said Cart was moving to the death of the said James Watson< no role >
and is of the value of one Shilling and the property and in the possession of Willaim
Owen of Sheep side in the County of Herts farmer In Witness where of as well
the Said Coroner as the said John Brown< no role > the foreman of the said Jurors on
behalf of himself and the rest of his fellows in their presence have to this
Inquisition set their hands and Seals the day year and place first above

John Brown< no role > [mark] Foreman

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