Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010093

Image 93 of 2944th October 1722

Report of the Comittee
concerning Trophy money}

To his Maties Justices of the peace
for the County of Middx in General
Quarter Sessions assembled.

1st Nov:1722

The Report of the Committee in the annexed Order of
Sessions named.

This Report is
vacated by a
Order made on
the 26th. of April

Your Committee humbly represent that they did meet on
the day in the said Order mentioned and severall times since
in order to have perfected their enquiry with all imaginable
expeditiors untill by reason of the indisposition of one of their
number who by his constant attendance had rendred himself
most capable of informing the Court of their proceedings they
found it necessary to adjourn their meetings till he should be
able to attend them again. But in regard by an Act made in
the twelfth year of the Reign of Queen Ann and other precedent
Acts No trophy money can be raised untill the Accounts of the last
Year have been examined and rectified and it may be necessary
to raise more to enable the Militia to March in case there should
be occasion for their so doing in this time of danger Your
Committee (who have the security of his Matie and his
Government (most sincerely at heart) thought it became them
to lay before you what has occurr'd to them (imperfect as it is)
rather than by any delay of theirs to give on their part any the
least occasion of complaint.

As to the first part of their instructions to enquire what Sums
have been raised Your Committee beg leave to observe that it
appears to them that the Sum to be raised by Law upon the whole
County in one year is £308:15:2: That his Board of
Lieutenancy do as they see convenient issue their warrants to
certain persons in each parish to assess upon the inhabitants in
their severall parishes at their ratable proportion of the said Sum
according to the annext rate Two Books of which assessment
fairly written exactly cast up and signed by the said assessors
together with the names of two or more fit persons to be
Collectors thereof they are to bring unto them at their Board.
That upon receipt of these warrants the said assessors do
arbitrarily assess great Sums of money (in some parishes more
than double what the warrants do require) and do carry back two
books of such their unwarrantable Assessments to the Board of
Lieutenancy not cast up the better to deceive to one of which Book

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