Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501870068

Image 68 of 9410th May 1720

Middx ss

Whereas Complaint hath been made unto us
two of his Maties: Justices of the peace for the said County of Middx
(Quor me) by the Overseers of the poor of the Precinct of St:
Katherine in ye said County, That Richd: Cooper< no role > and Mary< no role > his
Wife and their two Children (Vizt:) Eliza< no role > : aged about four
Years and Deborah< no role > Aged about two Years the Lawfull Issue
of the Sd: Richd: Cooper< no role > and Mary< no role > his Wife are latley came
into ye said Precinct Endeavouring to Settle there Contrary to Law
and that they are likely to become Chargable to ye said Precinct
Wee the sd: Justices upon Examinacon of ye premisses & of
Susanah Newton< no role > upon Oath do Adjudge the same to be true
and that the last place of the legall Settlemt: of ye sd: Richd.
< no role > Mary< no role > his Wife and their said two Children is in the
Prish of St: Leonard Shoreditch in ye said County.

These are therefore in his Maties: Name to
Comand you on Sight hereof to remove and Convey the sd: Richard
< no role > Mary< no role > his Wife and their said two Children from out
of ye said precinct of St: Katherine . to the said Prish of St:
Leonard Shoreditch and deliver them to the Churchwardens and
Overseers of ye poor there or to one of them who are hereby [..]
to recieve and provide for them According to Law Given
under our hands and Seals the 10: day of May Ano Dm: 1720 .

To the Overseers of the poor of ye precinct of St: Katherine in ye County of Midlx and
to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the of the poor of
St: Leonards Shoredich in ye County of Middx:

D'oyly Michel< no role >
Samll Perry< no role >

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