Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501870070

Image 70 of 945th July 1720

Midd ss

Ad General Quarterial Session pacis Dui Regis tent P Com Midlx
apnd Hickshall in St John Street in Com prd [..] Die lune Scilt
undecimo die July Arms regin Dm Georgij mmc Regis Magne
Britannie Etc Sexto coram Robto Thornhill< no role > Johe Milner< no role > Martino Ryde< no role >
Doyly Michel< no role > Aris & al Socijs Sins Justic dci Dm Regis ad pacem in
Com prd conservand Necnon ad divers felow transgr & alia malefca
in dodm Com ppetrat audiend & trinmand assign.

Upon hearing of the Appeale of the Churchwardens and Overseers
of the poor of the parish of Greenwich in the County of Kent agt
an Order under the hands & Seales of William Conne< no role > & James
Dela Mott Blagney
< no role > Esqrs two of his Maties Justices of the peace for
the Said County of Middx (Quor unus) bearing date the fifth
day of July in the year of Our Lord One thousand Seven hundred
& twenty whereby Hester Mountgomery< no role > Singlewoman aged about
twenty Six years was removed from the parish of St Ann in the
Libty of Westm in the Said County of Middx to the Said parish of
Greenwich as the place of the last legall Settlement of the Said
Hester Mountgomery< no role > And upon hearing of what was insisted or by
Councell for the Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the
said parish of Greenwich And alsoe by Councell for the
Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the said parish of St
Anne within the Libty of Westm This Court doth Dismiss the
said Appeale And doth ralifye & confirm the aforesaid Order
of the said two Justices of the peace And doth require the
Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the said parish of
Greenwich to yeild due obedience thereunto

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