Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220138

Image 138 of 21612th October 1724

P adjorn Lune 12 o. die Octobris 1724

Whereas This Court considering thatForasmuch as it is of great importance,-
that an Order made by the Court of Generall Sessions
of the peace holden for this County by adjornmt. on
Thursday the Sixth day of December in the third-
yeare of the reign of his present Matie. King George-
[..] containing therein severall Rules & Direccons
therein particularly specifyed, and recomending-
the same to the Justices of the peace of this County to
act according thereto in their Severall Divisions, should
be reprinted to the intent that each ofhis Mthe Justices of
the peace of this County (the Number of whom are
very much augmented since the time of makeing the sd.
Order) may be [..] furnished with a printed coppy
of the same, It is therefore thought fit and Ordered
by this Court that one thousand coppys of the sd. Order
be reprinted, And that a printed coppy of the same
be delivered by the Cryer of this Court or his Agent
to each of the Justices of the peace of this County who
have not a coppy of the aforesaid Order,

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