Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1798

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509530067

Image 67 of 308

October Session 1798}

The King against Moses Daniel< no role > (Abegiel< no role >
his Wife ) and abraham Daniel< no role >
On the prosecution of Rachael Moses< no role >
For an Assault

Moses Moses< no role > of fishers alley Petty boat Lane in the parish
of Christ Church Spitalfields in the County of Middlesex Feather maker
Maketh Oath and Saith that he this deponent did on the Sixteenth
day of October Instant personally Serve the prosecutrix abovenamed
with a true Copy of the Notice hereunto annexed by delivering
the same to her at her House or place of residence in fishers
alley aforesaid in the County aforesaid And this deponent further
saith that the said Notice of Trial has not been since
Countermanded to the knowledge and belief of this deponent

Sworn in Court this 22nd.
day of October 1798

Moses Moss< no role >

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