City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

19th January 1736 - 24th February 1738

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150480106

Image 106 of 14717th March 1737

Apr 1737

To The Right Honourable Sr. John Thompson< no role > Knight
Mayor of the City of London Sr . William Thomson< no role > Knt .
Recorder of the same City & the Rest of the Worshipfull
the Justices of the peace of the same City At ye General
Quarter Sessions of the peace now Assembled in and
for the said City of London

The Humble Petition & Appeale of the
Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of
the parish of St. Botolph without Aldga [..]


That by Virtue of an Order or pass Warrant under the Hands &
Seals of two of his Majestys Justices of the peace in & for the said City
of London one being of the Quorum bearing Date the Seven
tenth day of March One Thousand Seven Hundred & Thirty
Six One Elizabeth Osborne< no role > widow of Richard Osborne< no role > Deceasd
& her two Children Thomas< no role > Aged Ten Years & William< no role > Aged
four Years were removed from & out of the parish of St. Stephen
Coleman Street in London into the said Parish of St. Botolph
without Aldgate in London as the place of their Last

Your Petitioner therefore Humbly
Conceiving themselve aggreived by the
said Order or pass Warrant do Appeale
Against the same & prays such releif
in the Premisses as to this Honourable
Court Shall Seem meet

And Your Petitioners as in Duty bound Shall ever
pray etc

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