St Martin's Settlement Exams:
St Martin in the Fields Pauper Examinations, 1725-1793

20th November 1767

Unique Project ID54391
Examination TextAnn Bishop aged 30 years and upwards lodging at Mr Coley's in Church Lane in the Parish of St Martin in the Fields upon her oath saith that she is the widow of Andrew Bishop (who died the 22nd Day of June last) to whom she was married at St Pancras Church in the County of Middlesex six years and upwards ago, that she this Examinant hath been informed and verily believes that her said husband was born in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, but the particular part she cannot tell, that her said husband was a Taylor by trade, that her said husband never kept house rented a tenement of 10 pounds by the year paid any parish taxes nor was a yearly hired servant in any one place for 12 months in England to this Examinant's knowledge, that she this Examinant before her intermarriage with her said husband and while single and unmarried was a yearly hired servant to Mr Jarrett a Jeweller the corner of the Naggs Head Inn Yard in Orange Street in the Parish of St Martin in the Fields aforesaid for the space of one year and an half at the yearly wages of 6 pounds diet and lodging, quitted the same six weeks before her intermarriage with her said husband, that she this Examinant hath not kept house rented tenement of 10 pounds by the year nor paid any parish taxes since the death of her said husband, that she this Examinant hath two children living by her said husband to wit Ann aged two years and upwards, and Andrew aged five months both now with this Examinant. Sworn the 20th Day of November 1767 before Peter Planck.
Manuscript ReferenceF5056
Surname Bishop< no role >
Male OR Femalefemale
Date of Examination20/11/1767
Examination OutcomeC.C.W.
Page Number268
Signed OR Marked signed

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