St Martin's Settlement Exams:
St Martin in the Fields Pauper Examinations, 1725-1793

5th April 1757

Unique Project ID55703
Examination TextMary Brooker aged about 24 years passed as a vagrant from the Parish of at Agmondham [sic] in the County of Bucks upon her oath saith that she is the wife of William Brooker (gone from her) to whom she was married at the Fleet on the 16th Day of October 1753, that he was bound an apprentice for seven years to Mr Prescott a Painter near the Wood Yard in Long Acre in the Parish of St Martin in the Fields and there served about three years and then ran away, that he never kept house rented a tenement of 10 pounds by the year paid any parish taxes nor hath been a yearly hired servant for 12 months together since he quitted his said Master's service to this Examinant's knowledge, that she hath one child living by her said husband to wit William aged about five weeks now with this Examinant. Sworn the fifth day of April 1757 before Benjamin Cox.
Manuscript ReferenceF5048
Surname Brooker< no role >
Male OR Femalefemale
Date of Examination05/04/1757
Examination OutcomeL.A.W.
Page Number294
Signed OR Marked marked

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